
St. Clair Carhouse

Interesting history of the TTC Carhouse at Wychwood, which is now abandonded and receiving arts funding from McGuinty.

Wednesday Quote

" If you're an artist, the problem is to make a picture work whether you are happy or not."

Ancient Stonehenge Settlement Discovered

Dating back some 4500 years the connected village suggests that Stonehenge was a major ritual-party centre for people burying and sending their dead on to the underworld. Pay the Ferryman dudes!



breadnpigeons, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.



square13, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

The black paint has interesting line. The picture swirls around.


square15, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Squares must mean that I'm square. I'm trying to decide if I should give them funky titles.

Plastic Water Bottles?

With over 700 brands of bottled water across the world I have to wonder if we in developed countries should just drink water from the tap. Don't these plastic bottles leech dioxins into the water? How safe is the production of all this plastic for the environment? Do you drink bottled water?

Rembrandt's St. James 25.8 Million

A rare late work by Rembrandt depicting the Apostle James in prayer was sold Thursday for US$25.8 million.


Klimt Gold

A good article via artnewsonline; information on why Klimt is worth his weight in gold and then some.

Quote of the Day

"Regardless of the medium, whether it is in Elliot or Picasso or a TV thirty-second advertisement, I think collage is the Twentieth Century's greatest creative innovation."
A genuine Timmer Noprize if you know the author.
Last week's was Willem de Kooning speaking of his work prior to the figurative series.



reflector, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

At the studio, taking photos of my paintings I saw my reflection distorted. I leaned in close here and it looks like the other reflector is partially visible. Probably couldn't have come up with this in photoshop!

Missing ink

Via the Gaurdian Unlimited... Digital books overtaking printed texts? My reading glasses are specially polarized for driving at night reducing glare and so forth, they are also terrific for viewing my backlit computer screen! Still I prefer to read and have my book in my hands.


Digital Art: digital conundrum?

A curious article via artjournal. Is 21st century digital art doomed to advances in hardware and software? How will museums preserve the first generation of digital work? California's Berkeley has an idea...



shirts, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

I found a t-shirt site online that features cool designs. I have a little passion for t-shirts as I used to hand paint and silkscreen print them for camp kids. So I ordered one and to my dismay they mixed it up the size. I thought that it figures for ordering something online. But when I contacted Spraygraphic.com they were so quick to address the error, they sent me 3 for my trouble. What great guys!


Quote of the Day

"When I see a puddle, I stare at it. Afterwards, I don't paint the puddle but the image that it evoked. All of my inner images come from nature anyway."
A genuine Timmer Noprize if you recognize the author!

unsigned punk band in top 40

Finally an unsigned band enters the top 40 charts. This is a sign of the times, sales by download only and 0i; punk to boot!


Payouts worth Millions?

According to this article in the Gaurdian, a storage company in Britain has paid out millions after a fire gutted the dubious place. Better cash than sitting in storage?


The Death of Television and the Birth of Digital Convergence

This week I was surprised by Apple's new iphone news and then also by Rogers offering me a free digital box featuring "on demand". I realized that I spend more time on my computer than anything. Surfing, commenting, posting, photo-blogging etc... I found this interesting media article which as the title suggested, explained it all.
"The first phase of this digital convergence is already taking place with interactive online television, personal digital video recorders and web-based multi-media, all of which are being optimized for wireless cell phones and devices. This fusion of the medium of television and the Internet is underway and powerful enough to engender major changes in television's place of dominance in our popular culture. Two specific changes leading this evolution are interactive online television and wireless access to the Internet."


Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 100 Years Old

An interesting article in arts.gaurdian by Jonathan Jones. Picasso's breakthrough in the history of modern art was painted 100 years ago. It's strength as a revolutionary menace of the unconscious still prevails today.



grenadinebeachmix, Grenadine Beach Mix, 44X88", acrylic on canvas, 2007. Copyright © Tim Noonan. Tim Noonan.

I had loads of fun mixing up and applying variations of fluid pigments and gels to this 44X88" acrylic canvas, Greandine Beach Mix.


organicvariation, Organic Variation, 60X48", acrylic on canvas, 2007. Copyright © Tim Noonan. Tim Noonan.

I did a google search of this title Organic Variation. No wonder it was a tough piece to complete...so far!


Princess Ai

Ai is Japanese for love! Too bad for Spiderman and the Hulk, the girls are catching up. I never knew that such dolls were collectible.

List of Most Expensive Paintings

Did you know?..the Mona Lisa is insured for $670 million!


Synesthesia In Art

Kandinsky stated that his correspondences between colors and musical timbres have no "scientific" basis, but were founded upon a combination of his own personal feelings, current prevailing cultural biases, and mysticism. I like to paint to music, particularly, pop, blues and jazz. Sometimes I interpret the timbres. The objectivity is debatable, but I feel there is definitely a relationship.


Brain Music

Dr. Levitin explores his theory of the brain's creative relationship to music.
Emotional anticipation is an ingredient to our enjoyment!
How many songs are in your head?
Here is my 10 second list:
Peace Train
Laura Lie
Can't get You Out Of My Head
The Sweater Song
Seasons in The Sun
Hotel California
Nights In White Satin
The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
Who Are You


sfalls2, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Waiting for the Toronto train in Smiths Falls early New Years day.