
Tangled Garden

Tangled Garden, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

The Tangled Garden created in Corel Painter.


A. Barricelli plays Giuliani Op. 50 nro 13 photo Tim Noonan

Allright!! I've been published by Empedocle70 on Youtube!


Telegraph Poles

Poles2, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Poles and a lighted field enhanced!


The Road

The Road, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

More digital effect painting, looks like the road at night.


Wind Talk

Wind Talk, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

A vibrant interpretation of wind.


Time's Eye

Time, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

The luminous and ingenious clock, from the depths of time it's invention has trapped us all! Don't forget to put our clock back 1 hr at 2am tomorrow!