
Busting Sunday

My friend Claude and I were having a coffee and muffin(cranberry/bran) at the Country Time Coffee place out there at Keele and Dupont on Sunday afternoon. Heading out of the busy place we noticed several Police cars pulling up and half a dozen Constables approaching with their hands on their holsters. I said " Something's going on we should stand out of the way". The Officer motions for Claude to move over to the side of the door turning him to face the glass and tells him "put your hands up on the window". No sooner was he getting the pat down when the simular protocall is applied to me from the other cop. "What are you looking for?" Claude nervously asked. No reply, the Cops order us to stay put and gradually reveal that they are searching for weapons and amunition as there was a call from inside claiming a suspect of our generic profile(white, dark leather jacket and baseball cap)...


Timmer said...

Suddenly within the doughnut shop fingers were pointing to a lone individual sitting happenstance watching the cops. Directly they were deployed to the side entrance and forced him face down onto the table. Cuffing him and hauling him out to the cruiser they simultaneously allowed Claude and I to catch a glimpse of the shotgun shells the wretched fellow was dispossessed of. This obviously justified their need to search us but I was only thinking of the rapid firing shotgun the one Officer held down as he stood back a few metres from the direct action(he had held that to Claude's and my back the whole time). Finally a Supervisory Officer took down our names and information for his write up. Through it all I remained silent and reserved letting the Officers go about their efficiencies, but leave it to Claude to carry a conversation through it all. At one point he thought that it was some stunt t.v.production and even asked them if it was a hoax. Later we bought our project materials at Rona.

mister anchovy said...

...book em danno....