

square16, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Here is another look at the square's progress. Listening to One Eyed Man by unknown Blues Harp artist.

Skeptics Debunk Recent Discovery of Tomb of Jesus

James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici claim to have discovered the tomb of Jesus Christ. It all seems rather mind boggling, ha, ha,.. and at the same time interesting to consider how the refutations are so serious. Could it be possible to discover the DNA of Jesus? Was Jesus's DNA in Thunder Bay? Their documentary "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" airs on Vision TV on March 6.

Scrotum Literacy Debate Continues

Interesting article by Susan Patron on her book "The Higher Power of Lucky" has me curious. "The problem with "scrotum," evidently, is discomfort among adults who do not wish to see references to body parts in children's literature."



delicatesoundofthunder, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

I was listening to Pink Floyd's Learning To Fly while I worked on this image.



redstorage, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.


Weapon Crafting Chimps

A thought provoking article via the Washington Post describes why female chimps are making weapons to kill prey! This sheds some bright light on evolutionary theory.
"I just knew right away that she was making a tool," Pruetz said, adding that she suspected -- with some horror -- what it was for.


Al Gore Mania

I'd vote for him and his cause!


Helix Nebula

When I see a photo like this I think that it is beautiful. Not just the image but the wonder of it in the universe and the technology that is capable of capturing it! If you understand the origins of such phenomenon you realize that it is so imensely far away that it's reality existed long ago, millenia back in time. It's like a giant eye from the the past looking forward at us!


waterfirewindow, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Acrylic, 60X48", 2007.



Mr Anchovy was writing about why he blogs tonight. In response I 've been thinking about my blog. I started to do this blog because I could and it was free. It seems the perfect option for a live extension guest book to my webpage : timnoonan.ca and I can post fresh pictures as they happen, saving up for a time when I will redo my webpage. But I can post whatever I want, and that feels creative to me so I do. Searching my blog you will find links to art, animation, music and my paintings and photos, but I will post anything that interests me at the time. Generally a few people comment upon my entries, which is fine because I know that people are looking. I don't do a lot of writing, but I enjoy putting up links and pictures usually accompanied by a statement. I search around and read other blogs leaving a comment when I feel like it. I'm not interested in linking adds or anything like that or in finding some deep cause. Timmer is a personal blog with good posts and links which I feel are worthwhile. I hope that people enjoy it.



fastrestaurant, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Hungry? From the inside of a pizza place on Queen St.

Timmer Blakely Bass Man

I found a rockin blues and country link when I did a search on Timmer. I hadn't listened to good blues for a while, the tunes on Timmer's Bass World site are amazing good! There is information for Bass aficionados!


Live the Dream In Warehouses Near Train Tracks

Via Torontoist. Let's replace the OMB and redo all the old warehouses! Throw in a few bike paths and parkettes with hotdog vendors too, Toronto!

Purple and Brown



moodgallery, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.



timposter, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Artscape: 20 Years

Via the Torontoist, I have to agree with Jen's comment, not to dis Artscape's point of view which is very valid and supportive, but 48 Abell is not so splendid a building, the costs of converting it and the relocation of existing tenants in the interm will create a challenge to say the least. Maybe it is better to build an affordable tower, one that prefers cooperative minded artists. Artists deserve to be able to afford modern live work facilities.



263, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.



febstusdio, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

My studio is a bit on the cool side at 65 degrees celsius, and getting down there in this weather is sometimes a challenge. That said I've been working on these four pieces so far this month of February. I've decided that the canvas second from the right is complete. During the next session I'll probably begin some new ones as these are very close to completion.


Djembe Night

Along with Mr. Anchovy, I attended a djembe drumming class last night. Djembes are African rhythm drums, hand chiseled from wood and afixed with a goat skin. It was quite fun and interesting to learn how to position the drum and my hands to make the optimum three sounds. A slap, tone and bass. Our group of 12 (accompanied by 2 on bass drums) were shown several patterns. It was not so easy at all, several times I lost the pattern. Fortuntely It was not so difficult to pick it up again. The social mood was very jovial with people having a good time practising their chops. I plan to take a few more lessons, maybe even buy a djembe for home and school!



"sometimes I dream of a work of really great breadth, ranging through the whole region of element, object, meaning, and style."



icytrees, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.



glue, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

Doubtful Pollocks

I think they are fakes.

Lexus LS460

Something Beautiful?



botear, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

The paisley shape motif evolved from kashmir sweaters dipicting the boteh of ancient Babylon, where a tear-drop shape was used as a symbol to represent the growing shoot of a date palm. The palm provided food, drink, clothing (woven fibers) and shelter, and so became regarded as the ‘Tree of Life', with its growing shoot being gradually recognized as a fertility symbol.


cans, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

The graffiti drips and no parking stencil signage on these trash cans caught my attention because they reflect the back lights behind me.


winternight, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

I went out for a walk around the hood tonight. It was very cold and my hands were so cold taking photos. Night shots are an enigma to me. Most of them turn out too blurry and grainy to post. This one from the bridge has some detail to the tree branches.

Black Gold

Interesting photo essay on oil at Slate.com

Gutenberg Press

We've come a long way baby!

Al Gore

In this video link Mr. Gore says he's on a campaign "more important" than presidential. He syas there is still time to fight the effects of global climate change!

Romero Britto

Feel good Miami based Pop Artist will have his work featured live during the superbowl pregame show today.


Factory Girl Trailer

The trailer looks cool, but according to Lou Reed who read the script: "there's no limit to how low some people will go to write something to make money." Reed agreed to license his song "Heroin" to the producers for the price tag of three hundred thousand dollars.

Conservatives cut arts funding

New 7 Wonders of the World

It seems that the powers that be would like you to vote upon 7 new Wonders of the World. I thought the old ones were just fine and wonderous. Here are my choices:
1.The Pyramids of Giza
2.The Great Wall of China
3. The Taj Mahal
4. Stonehenge
5. The Roman Colosseum
6. The Acropolis of Athens
7. Machu Picchu