

Mr Anchovy was writing about why he blogs tonight. In response I 've been thinking about my blog. I started to do this blog because I could and it was free. It seems the perfect option for a live extension guest book to my webpage : timnoonan.ca and I can post fresh pictures as they happen, saving up for a time when I will redo my webpage. But I can post whatever I want, and that feels creative to me so I do. Searching my blog you will find links to art, animation, music and my paintings and photos, but I will post anything that interests me at the time. Generally a few people comment upon my entries, which is fine because I know that people are looking. I don't do a lot of writing, but I enjoy putting up links and pictures usually accompanied by a statement. I search around and read other blogs leaving a comment when I feel like it. I'm not interested in linking adds or anything like that or in finding some deep cause. Timmer is a personal blog with good posts and links which I feel are worthwhile. I hope that people enjoy it.

1 comment:

Candy Minx said...

I love your links...and I think a blog is a really good way to test our own ideas...in many ways so much better than some kind of private journal...because even if only a few people read our posts, we are still in the court of public opinion and our ideas are accountable. I think it is such a fun way to read about art, science and for posting our pics online is just so cool!