

febstusdio, originally uploaded by Tim Noonan.

My studio is a bit on the cool side at 65 degrees celsius, and getting down there in this weather is sometimes a challenge. That said I've been working on these four pieces so far this month of February. I've decided that the canvas second from the right is complete. During the next session I'll probably begin some new ones as these are very close to completion.


mister anchovy said...

I'm curious how you consider what colours to use in a painting, and also what values and intensities to use? I ask because one of the reasons I started using boxes was to create situations in which I'm faced with different colours and combinations and values than I would otherwise decide on.

Timmer said...

As you can see from the photo it looks like they are all done with the same palette. This is because I work on them at the same time. I try to vary combinations of colours but basically they eventually become higher keyed than originally inteneded, because I keep going with colours that I like. I think what colours do I feel like starting with, usually the process is intuitive and I will begin with two warm colours and one cool. This usually ends up with about a dozen variations in my palette which is a 12 muffin tin. I rarely ever mix greys or black into my colours unless they are dark to begin with. So I mix purple with black and blue with green. The reds are mixed with yellows and yellows with other yellows like indian yellow with quinocradone makes a nice warm colour. Sometimes I think that there is to much bright colour so I introduce some cooler colours to create contrasts, but I don't usually plan out to many moves, I like to let it happen. I have done several collage based paintings, as you are experimenting with and I found that I just ended up burying found colours under my own. I think that the process was to get started.